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07-Aug-2000 05:35 PM
  Shame on You
dclubb Webmaster(s):

While your site has the potential to be a great source of information for international students who are studying in the U.S., it will never get there if you continue to provide advice and information that encourages illegal activity. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting such information on an Internet site such as this. Your statements about working illegally and needing to get a fake ID, etc. are absolutely outrageous and are an affront to everything good and decent about this country and its founders. It's people like you who do not respect the rule of law who do not deserve to call yourself an American.

If there is any moral and upright bone in your body, you will do the right thing and clean up your site. Delete your "advice" about how to work illegal and your encouragement to get a fake ID. "Advice" such as this not only brings shame upon you, it calls into question the entire legitimacy of the site. Furthermore, and more importantly, it is also very dangerous to those readers/viewers who you are supposedly seeking to help. If they take your advice, the only place they will eventually end up is back in their home country -- after being deported from the U.S. for fraud and other violations of U.S. law. Your statements that imply that such violations of the law are inconsequential and/or almost impossible to detect by U.S. law enforcement are misleading and incorrect in many ways. The fact is that INS already has a computer linkage with the Social Security Administration and the IRS. Illegal work is a big deal and the individual will eventually get caught. Obtaining and using a fake ID is just as serious, as it could be considered a "crime of moral perpitude," which will result in deportation.

The bottom line is that you do a great disservice to your own credibility and to the international students you claim to be helping when you put information such as this on your site. You should be ashamed and you should change it immediately. Character and integrity are the cornerstones of any great man/woman and they are the cement that holds a society together. Don't contribute to the immorality and selfishness that is already prevalent enough in our society. Encourage people to do the right thing . . . not to break the law.

I trust you will seriously consider these important points which I have raised.

07-Aug-2000 09:38 PM
 Re: Shame on You

This site is an attempt to describe study in the USA
from a foreign student point of view.

There are many other sites on the subject. Most of
them are created by schools or lawyers, some by
Internet companies. Most of them avoid talking
about anything "illegal". Although it may be moral, it
creates a distorted picture of reality.

No matter how many sites on ESL schools you
read, for instance, you will never know that in real
life most ESLs are "visa shelters", not real
schools. Nobody mentions this fact because it is
illegal for ESL schools to be visa shelters,

We do not advocate breaking American laws. We
do want to create an accurate picture of how these
laws are implemented.

We are planning to create a page on the
consequences of working illegally. Right now we
don't have enough information for it and I hope
none of us will have to learn from personal

As for that fake ID, it's a joke. I do not know how to
get one and don't know anyone who has one. I
think American laws on alcohol and cigarettes are
ridiculously strict, though.

Although we may talk disrespectfully about laws,
we try to make sure our visitors know what these
laws are and we provide direct links to them
whenever possible.

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