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11-Mar-2001 10:52 AM
  My complete situation...
Hello every1,

I'm a Pakistani. I've completed my secondary Education from a pretigious Air Force College. One of my father's cousins teaches at a Ny Community College. He's sponsoring my I-20 at the same, it'll be arriving soon and I'd be taking the visa interview sometime in may. As I'll be admitted for the fall 2001 semester, I cannot apply before 90 days of start of classes. I took the Computer-based TOEFL last month, my score range was 234-293 and I'm expecting about 270.
My father owns a modest Printing Press, but no good bank holdings. But my uncle (sponsor) told me that I should take the tax documents of my fathers business, and they'd help me somewhat, as well as the fact our business in located in one of the prime commercial areas in the country. But the premises is not owned but rented, as is our residence. He, my Uncle, is going to provide me with his income statement from the college, plus a copy of his tax returns.

The purpose I've posted all this is that I need some words of encouragement from you guys, who are up there. There's a lot of talk that it's all your luck and ppl with the worst documents sometimes get the Visa and others with huge bank statements are denied. Anyway, I have another person, who lives in Pakistan, but also holds Canadian citizenship. He has a moderate (but active) bank statement. We have very good family terms with them and he's like a friend to me. He's even willing to co-sign my ISLP Loan application. But as you know, my I-20 is just about ready, so should I include he's financial support when I go to the Visa Counselor, how can I do that? What documents should I be making? Keeping in mind that he does not have a blood relatiion with us.

Another issue is that as the college I'm applying to is a 2 year community college, I'd be admitted for two years only, but the college has guarenteed transfers to many NY Colleges and a few in other States. And as you may already know that there's a field in the visa application which requires you to specify the time for which you are going to stay in the U.S. What should I write in this space? Should I write 2 years for the associate degree only, or should I write in 4 years, including higher studies in a University. Which one will give me a better Visa chance?

Thank you for taking the time in ready all this,

14-Mar-2001 06:19 PM
 Re: My complete situation...
Although my post above has yet to receive a single response. I would just like to ad that I received my official TOEFL Score Report today and according to it I've received 293 marks in the Computer Based TOEFL where the total marks are 300, plus I've got 6 out of 6 in the essay writing test...

Someone... please respond if you think you have a valid advice.

15-Mar-2001 04:44 PM
 Re: My complete situation...

You have a very good TOEFL score, but unfortunately that is not looked at.

I would suggest taking good documents with you, but presenting them only if necessary. They usually look at you, decide if they want to give a visa to you or not, and in either case ask for documents later. If they want to give you a visa, they'll ask you for a minimal affidavit of support, and if not, they'll ask you to prove that you're in a good financial position, that you intend to return to you country after your studies are finished and all that. In the second case, you only have a slight chance to change their mind if your documents suggest good wealth in the home country. Just think and see what could be incentive for you to really move back to Pakistan once you're here, and show them documents of such incentives.

Personnaly, I believe they tend to give visas to people whom they think smart and potentially successful. I think a lot depends on personal impressions, and if they guy likes you or not.

You MUST say that you're going to the US for only 2 years (as indicated in I-20) and WILL return to your country as soon as you're done with it. But in reality, there's nothing forcing you to stick to that promise, you can always change your mind.

Good luck, Babak

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