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20-Jun-2000 03:52 AM
  computer studies
I would like to continue my computer studies more. it shoud be a higher diploma and or a degree level. i am just following a.c.s.[australian computer society]and if you can pl foward me your advice to study more while do a part time job.

09-Aug-2000 07:56 PM
 Re: computer studies
There are a lot of good programs out there. It really depends on what aspect of computer technologies you'd like to continue your studies with, and where you'd like to live.

Offhand I'd say the Boston area, San Francisco, and Altanta are some of the better places for computer studies at the moment, though none of these places makes for inexspensive living. You could probably find a very good program in any number of less expensive places to live. You'll just have to start by researching some programs over the internet, and having the schools send you their information.

If it weren't for the cost of living there, my person favorite would be the Boston area. On the other end of the spectrum, do yourself a favor and stay as far away from Reno, Nevada as you possible can. 'Kind of known as one of the "armpits" of North America...

Good luck with this.

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