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09-Aug-2000 12:43 AM
  Can I extend my J-1 visa ????
I came to USA as an Exchange visitor, with J-1 visa based on IAP-66 form. Now my IAP-66 form is gonna expire on November. Can I extend my visa ??? Anyone actually did it ???, and if yes, is it a long and expensive process ???

Thank You !

10-Aug-2000 08:22 PM
 Re: Can I extend my J-1 visa ????
Maybe this will help:

10-Aug-2000 10:01 PM
 Re: Can I extend my J-1 visa ????
You may be able to get an extension of your IAP-66, but you'll have to talk with your program officer about that.

Your J-1 entry visa (in your passport) would only need to be extended if a) it is expired or nearly expired AND b) if you are planning to leave the U.S. and then return. Once you're here, the basis of your stay is your activity as a J-1 exchange visitor, the IAP-66 expiration date, and/or the expiration date on your I-94 card. Your visa only gets you into the country. It can expire the next day after you arrive and its not a problem.

Find your program officer and ask about getting your IAP-66 extended.

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