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02-Mar-2001 12:30 AM
  I-20 question (Urgent!!)

Pardon me, this is going to be long...

I have a friend who is a graduate student in US. He completed his defense last december but can only graduate in spring semester because his defense was after the deadline in
fall semester.

Upon completion, he was given a Form 9 to fill in to give it to Graduate School. He wanted to go back to his home country before starting to apply for practical training and
look for work in US, so he got a new I-20 from the Internation Student Officer at his
school . He has also registered for 1 credit hour in his school for spring semester so
as to keep his student status (but not full-time student).

Formerly, this wouldn't have any problem. But recently, he heard that the rules have
changed, saying that upon completion of his defense and submission of Form 9, he is
considered to have completed his studies and therefore cease to be in F-1 status.
However, he wasn't aware of that and wasn't advised by the International Student Officer (hey, he got the I-20 from this officer!!).

So my question is, can he still go back to US for practical training? And also, can a
I-20 cease to be valid without informing my friend (eventhough this is not exactly his
fault because the International Student Officer did not advise or inform him).

Please send all replies to my email.. Thanks!!!

02-Mar-2001 11:05 PM
 Re: I-20 question (Urgent!!)
What's Form 9?

05-Mar-2001 12:04 AM
 Re: I-20 question (Urgent!!)
Form 9 is a form that the graduate students have to fill out upon the completion of their defense.

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