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28-Dec-2000 12:09 AM
What is the success rate for the reinstatement procedures of the F-1 visa? I have unintentionally fallen out of status for two semesters.What are my options to be back in status?

29-Dec-2000 11:58 PM
 Re: Reinstatement
I'm a student, not an advisor. I may be wrong.

First of all, if you are still in school, consult your Int'l student advisor - you'll need her help in any case.

I've heard that INS is usually strict in this situation. Some advisors prefer not to apply for the reinstatement if there are other options. By applying for the reinst. you let the INS know that you are out of status. If your application is denied you may have to leave the country if you want to be able to be here legally again. Before you apply for reinstatement INS usually does not know that you are out of status.

Here are your options:

1. If you still have a valid visa in your passport your advisor can give you an "initial attendance" I-20 and you can leave the country and come back. You will need a cooperation of an ISA of your school.

2. If your visa has expired you can try to leave the country and apply for a new visa in your home country with a new I-20. The success rate depends on your home country in this case.

3. If you just want to complete your degree you can just stay out of status and leave the country after you graduate. You won't get an OPT and you won't be able to change your status to H-1 or anything else.

4. Apply for reinstatement if your advisor recommends it. Once your application is denied you'll have to leave the country.

There are 2 topics on this board that can be helpful : "Answers to questions posted at" by Frank and "Being "out-of-status" vs. being an "overstay"", try to find them.

01-Feb-2001 12:51 AM
 Re: Reinstatement
I want to apply to graduate school after getting my bachelor degree. Does the graduate school care about me being out of status for two semesters in the past?Is it possible to continue on with my education and getting a higher degree?

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