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18-Jan-2001 11:45 PM
  J-1 2-Year requirement
In the spring 1993, I won a competition administered by USIA and became selected as an exchange student. I signed papers for J-1 visa incl. the 2-year requirement. I came to the US in June 1993 and held J-1 intil June 1994. Then I went back to Russia for 2 months and got an F-1 to go to college. I held F-1 for 4 years while in college since the summer 1994.
Then in 1998 I applied for student optional practical training and got that for 1 year. This is how I ended up working for David for 1 year (August 1998-July 1999).

My F-1 opt training was going to get over in August and I decided to go to grad school in Canada for 2 years in the hopes that this will fulfill my 2-year requirement. I made inquiries about applying for a J-1 2-year requirement waiver but it looked like my chances are about 1 out of a million.

So I ended up here in Victoria, BC. Since August 1999 I held a student autorisation (a Canadian equivalent of F-1). I can get a 1 year of practical training here upon graduation in June 2001. But not in the US because I already used it up.

I would like to go back to California to work for David and thus I am pursuing H-1. I have considered other options but not seriously because it appears that they apply to people only in 'special circumstances' such
as a
political asylum.

I've had to go thru a lot to earn my education in North America. If I go back to Russia, I would either end up with a ridiculously low-paying job or in the military.

I would like to know what my options are that would allow me to take a serious shot at coming to the US.

Going to Russia for 2 years is not an option for me at this point. Needless to say, it negates my MBA and plans to work and settle in North America.


07-Feb-2001 03:44 PM
 Re: J-1 2-Year requirement
Did you tried to get the waiver for the 2 year home country...?
Who said that your chance is one to a million?

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