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09-Apr-2002 12:05 AM
  Important news
New INS Restrictions for Students

09-Apr-2002 12:39 AM
 Re: Important news
I read the Washingon Post article online, but I'm not too sure about what it means. I'm in the States on a B1 visa and want to know if I can change my status to F1 without going back to my home country.

09-Apr-2002 01:49 AM
 Re: Important news
You can apply for a change of visa classification from within the U.S., but you'll have to get yourself accepted at a school relatively soon. I'm sure your current B1 will remain valid for the period of time indicated on your I-94, but it sounds like they'll be scrutinizing the applications somewhat closely (and issuing new B1/B2 visas for only 30 days)

A change of visa classification (to F-1, for instance) does not place an F-1 visa in your passport. The next time you decide to travel outside the U.S. you'd still have to go through the process of applying for the visa to get back. A change of classification will put you into F-1 status so that you can be "in-status" while attending school, but in won't give you that entry visa. (You don't have to leave, but if you do and want to come back as an F-1, then you'd have to deal with the consulate.)

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