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13-Apr-2002 12:31 AM
why , why why?
why is everyone after .f1s.. ? cuz we respect the law and we get easily scared. First, it is so hard to keep up with school in a foreign country and all these laws....geese! they would probably make you apply for a permit to breath too, in near future.

I was in L.A and other cities in California lately. I saw so many people, so many different kinds of people living together, working together and i saw all races of people in airport holding a blue American passport. I salute to this country who respects diversity. I love people here. I love to see such a nice garden with all kinds of flowers. so what is it some people are getting paranoid that there would be more kinds of flowers in the garden?

So why is it such a big deal if we F1s work off campus. isn't it a system which is making f1s go illegal. what if you can't manage money for a semester and can't ask from your home.
God! i really hope they would realize this problem. I don't think, letting F1s work at least during summers whould hurt U.S economy so bad.
I totally agree to our friend here who said in one of the messages that they should kick out illegals who don't have any papers at all. After all we are educated and we are going to schools.
why is everyone so paranoid of f1s?

14-Apr-2002 03:43 AM
 Re: hello
F-1 Renegade
The reason why the INS won't let us F-1 students work off campus is protect American jobs. If we were allowed to work off campus, we are taking away jobs that rightfully belong to the Americans. The INS however, fail to recognize that some of us F-1 students are far more qualified than the majority of lazy Yanks who do not have college degrees & prefer to sit around at home watching TV. By not letting us work, they are forcing us to turn to other methods of obtaining income.

One such method that has become notorious among Asian students is to import porn CDs from countries like Japan & Thailand, then selling burnt copies of them here on online auctions. I know of such a person who made enough off them to buy a brand new Toyota Celica in just 4 months. That's about $20,000. If the INS were aware that their refusal to let us F-1 students work was in a way fueling the US porn market, would they reconsider?

Then again, we F-1 students ( with connections ) make far more money selling burnt porno CDs than working off campus at an $8.00 an hour job. Think about it.

I can't give out details about this business, but I'm sure most of you Asian students know what I'm talking about.

14-Apr-2002 04:33 PM
 Re: hello
Why is everyone so paranoid about F-1s? I am giving you the reason(s). Some F-1's think they are the "educated". They think they respect the law. As they are going to school, they should be allowed to work outside to support themselves, not the "uneducated" ones who are supporting their whole families back in Mexico, Nicaragua, Guetemala or Hondurus or some other country.

I guess I sound sarcastic. Here it is; illegal immigrant workers are part of some kind of slave labour ring. USA is knowingly using them, paying them less then the minimum , let them survive in a condition below what is considered as standard here. No one wants to legelize them as that would make businesses engaging in using them pay more.

The real reason for being paranoid about F-1's is more like a face-saving action by INS. Only a couple of the terrorists (9/11) where on student visa here,and, it puts the rest of us under microscope (that shows us how responsible we need to be). Notice that INS has made change in B1/2 to F-1 transfer harder and has given local law-enforcement agencies authority to perform immigration related operations.

INS may want to think about work permit for summer sessions for F-1s. I am sure someone from there is reading these postings.

15-Apr-2002 06:53 AM
 Re: hello
Everybody does something for their own reasons. The US government should think about American people, but not our F-1students. That's understood.

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