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06-Aug-2002 08:38 PM
  To All International Students
a loser
Dear Friends,
I am a 23 yr old foreign student from a poor country, going to school in United States for three years. I have been through lots of crosses and losses to grow humble and wiser and to know this knowledge of survival. So please conisder it. I know most of you are smart and do not need this piece of advice, good luck to those but those of you who are lost and worried this might help.
First thing first. There is nothing important than getting a good grades. GPA is the most important thing for you. Good GPA is the key to all the successes and easy life while you are in college. So no matter what.. even if you have to quit your job and have to survive in Ramen noodles for rest of the month don't hesitate and get more time for studies.
look for scholorships. Always look for scholorships than looking for jobs. that way you don't have to work and you don't get tired and you can spend more time on studying and getting more scholorships.
if you have a job and don't like it ,immideatly look for another one. college jobs make you work so hard... usually if they are physical... quit it right away... look for something else..
Don't skip any classes, try to study at library, don't skip any homeworks. Know your standing on your classes and talk to your teacher how you can improve it. Teachers like to see you getting tortured... so go see them and show them that you are suffering and you are willing to do better....
have patience and stay cool. don't panic about anything. Do not spend time on girls. waste of time...serious waste of time dudes....

get serious....

good luck to you all,

a suffering student In United States....

09-Jan-2003 01:37 PM
 Re: To All International Students
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Why suffering?
My GPA was pretty low this semester, but everything is not so awful as it seems. Next semester I will do better... It`s not a good idea to make yorself fall into depression.
Life is not about suffering... Study, have fun and do you best

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