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01-Oct-2001 11:19 PM
I just got my INS approval for change of status from b2 to student. Can I go to Canada using my I-20 or do i still need to have a canadian visa to be able to go there?

03-Oct-2001 01:08 PM
 Re: question!
u got what a lot of people are waiting for, at least it
gives us some hope

It would also help a lot if u tell us how long you've
been waiting for? when did u mailed ur form of
change of status?
thanx for any info

03-Oct-2001 05:27 PM
 Re: question!
I initially came here as a tourist last Aug 2000. When my 6 months was up, I filed for an extension and they granted me another 6 months up till Aug 2001. I filed my change of status application (student status) on April and I got my approval on September, so that's about 5 months of waiting. I filed all my applications in Nebraska and from what I heard it makes a difference on where you file your application. If you file in California or in big cities it'll take you forever probably because of the volume of applicants. Anyway while I was waiting for my approval I took some summer and spring classes so don't know if that helped up my approval.

04-Oct-2001 05:31 PM
 Re: question!
It really depends which country you're from. Just call up a Canadian consulate and ask.

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