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22-Jan-2001 01:29 AM
  Living illegally and want to study legally
I have a big problem, I've been living illegally in the U.S.for 16yrs now. I have graduated from high school here in U.S. In order to apply for an f1 student visa I must apply from my home country? I am thinking of going back to my country and applied from there but will it affect my application if my school tanscript shows that I have studied illegally. what should I do? I am currently here in the U.S.

22-Jan-2001 09:10 PM
 Re: Living illegally and want to study legally
I beleive that technically it's possible. You don't
send your transcripts to the Embassy, just to your
school. Schools are not supposed to care about
this and they don't report you to the INS.

One problem you are likely to run into is proving
strong ties to your home country. Consider what
kind of evidence you could present to the
Embassy. It really depends on your country. You
also have to show some proof of income (yours or
sponsors), so make sure you have it.

You could study here even if you are an illegal alien
- most schools are not allowed to discriminate
against you.

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