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International Students Online

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17-Oct-2000 05:35 AM
  out of status
Hi, I am a tourist and I am 3 months over the time that I was supposed
to be here. I want to apply for a student visa now. Do you think I have
chances to get the student visa and get in status again? What would you


17-Oct-2000 03:51 PM
 Re: out of status
It would be best if you returned home and applied for admission to a U.S. school from there. Once the school sends you an I-20, take it to the U.S. consulate or embassy & apply for an F-1 visa. If you overstay 180 days, you'll have a three-year bar to re-entry. A one-year overstay would give you a ten-year bar to re-entry. The best thing you could do would be to leave before you incur these penalties.

Best wishes.

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