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27-Nov-2000 04:04 PM
  ESL 1 month off, still in status?
Hi I'm an ESL student with an one year visa,expiring in May. I'm taking full course load and am in status now.

I wish to take one month (1 term at my ESL) off to return to my home country. Would this make me "out of status?" Would I need to apply for new visa?

Please advise -- thank you very much!


27-Nov-2000 09:17 PM
 Re: ESL 1 month off, still in status?
Yes, you are.
You can stay in the US 60 days after your I-20 expire.

If you are going to stay here more than 60 days, then you are out of status.

28-Nov-2000 06:38 PM
 Re: ESL 1 month off, still in status?
The sixty day rule doesn't apply when you leave the country and
doesn't really apply to the question. You do need to ask the advisor at
your school if you are allowed to take a month vacation and still be
eligible to complete your language program. This should be ok. You
will need the back of your I-20 signed by the school's DSO in order
to re-enter the US. As long as your visa is still valid, you do not need
to apply for a new one.

Remember, when you come back to the US, you're allowed to study
even if your visa is expired as long as you're a full-time student in-

30-Nov-2000 08:40 PM
 Re: ESL 1 month off, still in status?
a. Your I-20 has to be signed on the back by a school official. They may have rules on when you are allowed to take a vacation and they don't have to sign your I-20. If they don't want to let you go you can pretend you have some family problems back home.

b. Check the expiration date of your I-20. ESL I-20 is usually valid for 1 year. If your I-20 expires before you return you have to get a new one from your school. Look at paragraph #5 of your I-20 to see when it expires.

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