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20-May-2002 05:56 PM
  My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
Hello Dear Friend,

Currently I am studying English in Northern Virginia. I have been only 3 month in USA. My school have an agreement to my sponsor to return me after graduate (in May). But I need to learn more. I want to transfer another ESL school, but I think my current school will may refuse to send my documents to new school. In this case, have that school right to refuse? Or is this school abusing me? What can I do? I really don't want to return without learning English well.

Thank you very much. Please reponce me immediately as soon as possible.

20-May-2002 11:30 PM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
I belive you are here under J-1 status. If that is the case, you can consider change your status to F-1 and continue your study in USA.

If any further assistance is needed , send me an e-mail.

21-May-2002 08:18 PM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
Thank you very much. But I am under F1 status at this moment, and I will graduate next week. In this case, what should I do?

22-May-2002 12:40 AM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
i guess you really don't have another choice but to apply to another school. for international students, this takes time since you will need another I-20 and proof of availability of funds and the usual other documents. you should have applied to another school a while ago, but then again you might still have time...

22-May-2002 07:06 AM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
My current school wants to return me to my country. So, I think they will not transfer my school files to my new school if I apply for another school for transfer it.
What will you suggest me?

22-May-2002 02:53 PM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
why do they want to return you to your home country? have you worked illegally or done something else that you shouldn't have done? it makes no sense to me. they should allow you to transfer.

23-May-2002 05:30 AM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
I didn't work illegal or I didn't do anything illegal. My sponsor wants to return me and they made an agreement with my school. My school told me "As soon as you complete 3 sessions, please return to your country". So I think that my current school will not transfer my documents to my new school. If they don't transfer it to new school, what will happen? I think if my new school can't get my documents from old school, then my new school will not accept me. Is it true?

23-May-2002 02:30 PM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???
what you can try is to get your high school(or college if you attended one) from your home country to send your grades to the school you want to transfer to. why did your sponsor make that agreement anyway??

23-May-2002 11:40 PM
 Re: My school wants to return me, but I don't want. Help???

Your commitment to your sponsor is different from
INS law. You are allowed to transfer to any
program which may accept you as long as you're
working towards a degree or academic goal. It's
up to the new school to determine whether you're
"in-status" or not. They do this by asking the old
school if you were in good standing academically
and financially.

If you weren't failing and didn't owe any money, the
old school has no grounds to keep you from
transferring. Even if they said that you had the
commitment to go home, it doesn't matter legally.

But there's always the moral question. Does the
the word that you gave to your sponsor mean
anything to you? That's up for you decide.

But first you need to get accepted to a new school.
You should do that soon as you can. Then you can
begin the transfer process.

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