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04-Jan-2001 03:05 AM
  IF Student visa is denied!???
If i get my F1 student visa denied, can i try
actually my situation is changing status from
B1/B2 visa, to an F1 visa. If INS denies this
change , can i try again if i get more proof for it??
what other options do i have?
thanks for any replies


04-Jan-2001 09:44 PM
 Re: IF Student visa is denied!???
Our advisor sais you can appeal, but it's hopeless.
If ins didn't ask for additional documents they are
not going to change their mind.

Don't overstay your B2. If you overstay for 6 or 12
months you will be denied entry for 3 or 10 years

05-Jan-2001 07:31 AM
 Re: IF Student visa is denied!???
Hi. Actually, I would disagree with the advice to not overstay your visa. It is unfortunate, but true, that those (like myself) who always take the regulations very seriously end up losing. The system is badly flawed and prefers those who break the laws.

Several times, laws were passed that pardoned those who were illegally staying in the country. The last time they did it was the reenactment of section 245(i) on December 15, 2000. They told all those who were illegally staying, that they would be forgiven and exempted from the 3 year and 10 year ban if they can successfully apply for a Green Card (e.g., through family or work or some other way). They've done this several times, and they'll do it again.

Thus, those who came here illegally and stayed here illegally will now get their Green Cards while those like myself who waited years to be legal before coming, will just end up having lost precious years!

This was just my opinion, contact a lawyer for legal advice.

Sincerely, Babak

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