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30-Apr-2001 06:26 AM
  Affidavit: what 2 do?
urgently awaiting

I have got my I-20 from a college, but it only contains one person as my sponsor. Now, I have a couple of other people who can give me an affidavit with their financial documents. Should I have these made... does it make a difference if they are not mentioned in the I-20. I need an urgent response as I have to send in my application within the next few days.

Secondly I did not mention my parents as a financial source, but I have their tax documents and other stuff. So, should I just take my father's documents and his biz card with me, or should I have them create an affidavit for me or a letter or somethin'... are these required for parental financial support?

Please respond urgently,
urgently awaiting

30-Apr-2001 09:37 PM
 Re: Affidavit: what 2 do?
I believe it is important to be consistant . If your first
sponsor has enough money on his statement to
support you there's no need for other sponsors.

The letter of support from your parents and their
financial documents ares always good to have
even if your parents don't officially sponsor you.

This is just an opinion.

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