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01-Dec-2000 09:36 PM
  Help: I-94
I lost my I-94 form and hope you can tell me how to get it from INS. Thank you very much!!!

02-Dec-2000 05:20 PM
 Re: Help: I-94
You'll need form I-102. Your int'l. student advisor should be able to help you with it. I think you'll have to pay $65 (with form I-102) to have the I-94 replaced.

04-Dec-2000 03:58 AM
 Re: Help: I-94
Here's the form:

04-Dec-2000 04:00 AM
 Re: Help: I-94
I meant to say i-102.

04-Dec-2000 10:03 AM
 Re: Help: I-94
When you send it in, include a photocopy of your passport (picture & expiration date page, the visa page, and if you have it, a photocopy of the original I-94). The school may have all this on file, or they should, anyway.

04-Dec-2000 12:52 PM
 Re: Help: I-94
Lin Tian
please speak to an advisor before sending in the form. The fee for a replacement I-94 cards is $84. If you plan on leaving the country soon, then I would not worry about getting a new one as you will be issued a new one upon your return. You will be allowed to leave the country if you have lost your I-94 card.

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