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13-Feb-2002 04:50 PM
  Canadian- engaged? what to do?
Please advice if you can...
I am a canadian citizen. Engaged to a man living in the alien who hasnt received his greencard but is there legally has the 1-94. We have been waiting for 4 yrs for him to get the greencard so he could sponsor me but its still not happening. I would like to move to the states and be with him...
what are my options? I know I can go as a visitor? how long can I stay legally as a canadian and once there If I enrolled in a school would that help_ ie can I get a student visa easily from within the US as a canadian and 2--can I look for work from within and maybe get a visa that way...3---is there any way he can sponsor me ---I just need a means to be there legally..until he gets the green card..please help am very worried about this..Thnx kindly.

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