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25-Mar-2001 05:21 PM
  what is economic hardship?
hi all
i was wondering what economic hardship is? is it when your family have not got or does not earn a lot of money? coz this is the problem with me. if you do qualify, do they give you a loan, or something? does it affect your chance of getting into the universuty you want?
thanx for any replies!

05-Apr-2001 11:00 PM
 Re: what is economic hardship?
You'll need to show in writing that something unexpected has occured to you or your fanancial sponsor, such that since the time you proved financial resources, you're no longer able to adequately support yourself through on-campus work opportunities.

See your int'l. student advisor about how to apply. It costs $120 to apply, and what you get, if approved, is a work permit for off campus employment, valid initially for one year.

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