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10-Jan-2001 12:14 PM
  Visa denial..please help!!!!
In September 2000, a friend of mine left the USA for what initially was a brief visit to South Africa due to her mom's illness. She was residing in a country on a J1 visa which she eventually changed to F1 status. When she went to US Embassy (SA) for a visa stamp (F1 visa) she was denied a visa. She attempted 2 applications for a new visa @ the US Embassy and her passport has been stamped twice indicating her attempts were denied. She now has a new visa with a new passport number and want to get back in the US using a tourist visa.
Quest.1 - If her old passport is cancelled , is there a way the Embassy and the INS could see she was once in the US when using her new passport.
Quest.2 - When filling inn the immigration form upon arrival should she indicate that she was once denied a visa (assuming that a new passport number practically gives her a new identity).

10-Jan-2001 09:13 PM
 Re: Visa denial..please help!!!!
I would suggest assuming a new identity. Otherwise INS will ask why her visa was denied and why she is using a new passport. INS probably doesn't have any records of visa denial. I suppose she didn't mention to the Embassy that her applications were denied when she applied for a new visa.

It's my personal opinion.

18-Jan-2001 05:29 AM
 Re: Visa denial..please help!!!!
it is difficult to do that because everything is saved on their computer, the best thing she can do is to find a man who can marry her then they are boliged by the law to give her the visa then she can divorce, i think it s the only way to get the visa again on such situation

18-Jan-2001 11:29 PM
 Re: Visa denial..please help!!!!
Your friend will likely be denied of F-1 if she had already been denied before. Her best bet is to go to Canada to study!!!

20-Jan-2001 08:02 AM
 Re: Visa denial..please help!!!!
Her visa application was denied by the Embassy, not the INS. Since then the Embassy gave her a new visa, after she changed her passport. INS doesn't know anything about that, as far as I understand the American government. INS on the border usually just looks at the visa and stamps the I-94.

Just an opinion.

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 1-20-2001 07:09 ]

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 1-20-2001 07:09 ]

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