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30-Nov-2000 10:19 AM
  Again, Re-entering with F-1 visa?
Dear Rick,

Thank you, you answered some of my questions, but not the main one. I have not yet had my f1 visa stamped in my passport (but I've been told that it's ready). You say "If your visa will expire in three months", I assumed a visa would be for 3 months, but I don't know how it will look like. So my question, more clearly is:

What is the validity of a student visa (where is it writteb/determined) and how long is it usually for? And during its validity, can one use it to enter the country several times (doesn't one need a multiple entry visa for that)??

TIA, Babak

30-Nov-2000 08:31 PM
 Re: Again, Re-entering with F-1 visa?
A visa is a sticker in your passport with your picture on it. It is not valid "for duration of status", it has a clear expiration date on it. The visa is usually given for the approximate duration of your program. It can be valid for 1 month, 3 months, 2 years or 5 years etc. Two years is common. But it also depends on how a Consulate clerk feels like when he gives it to you.

After you come to the US your visa doesn't mean much. You are allowed to stay as long as you are "in status" - have a valid I-20 and "d/s" in your I-94.

If you travel abroad you need to be "in status" and have a valid visa to reenter. If your old visa has expired (you'll see an expiration date on it when you get it) you'll need to get a new one.

F-1 visa can be used for multiple entry, but each time you'll have to have a valid I-20 from a school you are attending at that time.

30-Nov-2000 08:40 PM
 Re: Again, Re-entering with F-1 visa?
1. You visa could be issued for 3 months to 5 years depending on the
duration of your program (it should have been noted on your I-20).

2. Once you have have the visa, you can enter the US with your I-20
at any time while your visa is still valid. If your visa expires, you can
stay in the US (as long as you stay in-status) but you will need a new
valid visa if you leave and return to the US. Think of the visa as the
key to to the US door. You don't need the key while your in the

3. As long as you have a valid visa and I-20 signed by your school
official, you'll be allowed to re-enter the US as often as you like
unless otherwise noted on the comment section of the visa. The state
dept almost never does this unless they think your a risk. It will say
clearly on the visa if this is the case.

01-Dec-2000 09:18 PM
 Re: Again, Re-entering with F-1 visa?
Lin Tian
Visas are not issued for durations that are the whim of the consulate officer. The United States has visa reciproicity with the country that you are requesting the visa ( The lenght of time your visa is valid is determined by each US consulate and can be viewed at the above link.

Also an issue that is confusing is that visa can be good for one to multiple entries, agian depending on the place of issuance.

The validity of your visa has less to do with the duration of your progam than your citizenship.

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