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18-Aug-2001 01:25 AM
  Work off-campus and get multiple-entree on F-1 visa..
hi.. i came here like three years ago as a visitor and i changed my visa status to F-1 and my board of education kept my original I-20 and because of that i couldnt apply for any SS number or Driving licience.
now i am applying in a new college and i want to work outside legally with SS number and also the Driving licience. What do i do? and also how do i get the multiple entree on my visa so i can go back to my country and come back here without any trouble or risk? please help me.

22-Aug-2001 02:58 AM
 Re: Work off-campus and get multiple-entree on F-1 visa..
If you are still in status and are transferring to another college you will get a new I-20. I-20 by itself does not guarantee that you will be given a SS number or a driving license, but it certainly helps. Ask an adviser at your new college if they can assist you with getting them - they can give you a letter to a social security administration for example.

You will not be allowed to work even if you get a SSN unless you work on-campus or apply and prove an "economic hardship" condition - like your family is suddenly having a financial crisis.

Technically you do not have to be a student to get a driving licence. It really depends on the state what kind of documents you'll have to present to get it.

The low-risk way to get a new (you can call it multiple entry) visa is to apply for it from a "border post" in Canada or Mexico, but you still have to prove to them you are going to return to your home country. This may not be an easy task for someone who have spent several years in the US. By applying from there you still have a good chance to get back in even if your application was denied.

For more information on this see: --seems to be down at the moment, but it's a correct URL

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 8-22-2001 02:56 ]

15-Jul-2005 07:31 AM
 Re: Work off-campus and get multiple-entree on F-1 visa..
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