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International Students Online

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19-Jun-2001 02:49 PM
  Hey guys, the INS are out there reading all this?
Hey guys,
I would like to know if this is a safe website for f1 students because i would really be hurt if the INS and the other american authorities gets to know of this website, it's like everything is being exposed to them and the more they will try tracking us from evrey part of the USA. Remember, we are not here to spoil their country but it is out of need and poverty that is why we have left our nice and loving family to this strange land.
Thank you

19-Jun-2001 09:01 PM
 Re: Hey guys, the INS are out there reading all this?
I can't tell you about INS but at some point we were getting many hits from Social Security Administration and New York State Court or something similar.

It happened after a link to our site was posted on Inter-L, a mailing list for international student advisors. The message was entitled "Stay one step ahead of your students". After that we received a number of very hostile emails. We also received many emails from advisors offering information and help.

We were not contacted by American authorities and we are trying to ensure our site does not publish any kind of illegal content. At the same time we do not censor our messageboard.

20-Jun-2001 12:21 PM
 Re: Hey guys, the INS are out there reading all this?
By the way, Inter-l is soon to be discontinued. They're moving their discussions to a similar website such as this. I'm sure they'll announce the new location via Inter-l once they're ready.

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