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04-Jun-2001 12:01 AM
  Getting F1 stamped from canada
I had come to the US on a B2 visa and applied for
F1 status,I received the approved I-20 last week
but did not receive a new I-94 as yet.
1) What should I do? wait or file an I-102?
2) If I go to canada to get the F1 stamped on my
passport and if the F1 application is rejected will I
still be allowed to enter the US ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

04-Jun-2001 03:05 PM
 Re: Getting F1 stamped from canada
If you going to Canada, you should go to US embassy and ask them for F1 visa but if you are rejected than you can not enter USA. You can apply for change of status to INS, it might take time, but you will have have some insurance, becasue if you get denied by INS , you will still be able to leave the country and hopefully get F1 visa and come back. Ask you school advisor for more options.
good luck!

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