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07-Feb-2001 05:18 PM
  I-20 time of stay
I am currently in the US on an F 1 status with an I-20 because I'm going to an ESL program at a university from march to May. What happens if I decided not to go to the school on march???

please help me with that INFO


12-Feb-2001 09:50 PM
 Re: I-20 time of stay
It depends on what the college ESL official
(international student advisor) decides to do. If she
reports you to the INS you will "overstay" your
status. If she doesn't report you you will be "out of

Most advisors claim they don't normally report
out-of-status students to the INS. There is one
situation when most advisors seem to report
students: if a student comes to the US with an I-20
from a certain school and doesn't show up for

If you get reported to INS you are in the same
situation as overstaying your tourist visa, I think.
Overstay for 6 or 12 months and you'll be banned
from the US for 3 or 10 years, respectively. There
are ways around it but I won't get into it.

If you are not reported to INS you are just "out of
status". Although you are not supposed to stay in
the US the Government won't know about it. The
bad thing about beeing out of status is that it's
almost impossible to get back in status or change
your status to anything else (like H-1).

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