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27-Jul-2002 05:20 AM
  Change of Major
seeking advise..Help
Hi all, I want to change my major,Presently I am doing an Undegrad in one subject, but I hope to change Majors and pursue a Masters in ANOTHER.uNFORTUNATELY, i WILL HAVE A GAP OF one semester between the change during which time, I plan to register in the college in my present subject but only for one credit so that I dont have to pay the entire tuitin fee.
My question is, How will this effect my future prospects of acquiring OPT and possibly HI visa and Green card.I know I am thinking way out into the future, but would honestly apprteciate your advise and guidance .I must add thought hat I am presently sort of apprehensive to ask the INS on the phone...probably will approach them after sometime, but in the meantime, really look forward to your advise.
Thank you,

27-Jul-2002 08:16 PM
 Re: Change of Major
If you don't enroll fulltime you are out of status.
If you decide you have to take that one semester off, you have to be in legel status during that time. You can apply for 6-months OPT, I guess. Then, however, you lose 6 half of your OPT. If you just take one course, you lose status. So, you have to decide.

28-Jul-2002 01:05 AM
 Re: Change of Major
seeking help..
Yes, I know that I will be out of ststus, but am kind of unclear how will it effect my H1 visa later on.Do they ask you to account for each and every semester that you were here....and if so, then How?
Secondly, How can I use my OPT for 6 months right now?I dont have a US degree at the moment and who will give me a job?The very purpose of my changing the Major is that in my present subject, there are no jobs after Graduation and the situation will only become worse.Can I not show a Doc Letter or something as a reason for my taking less Load during these 6 months?Do you mean to use the 6 months OPT right now for some menial work like a waiter or something?
I would really appreciate your explaining these things to me.I am kind of new and sort of intimidated by this whole process and this unclarity is making me even more nervous to talk to the INS....Though I know that at some point I will have to deal with them, but I want to be informed before talking with them.
Thanks in advance.

29-Jul-2002 03:06 AM
 Re: Change of Major
INS now is checking for everything when someone applies for H-1 or OPT. So being not full-time one semester will hurt.

I though you were graduating, and wanted to change major in your MS. Anyway, main thing is -

You can't use OPT for unrelated work. Also, if you apply it before grad., you have to have job offers.

Why don't you talk to you interntional student advisor?
Althoug by law they can't allow you to be not full time, who knows....they may give you permission.

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