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16-Mar-2001 06:06 AM
  who filed for reinstatement to INS?
I filed to INS for reinstatement 50 days ago and I have not heard from them at all. do you know how long does it usually takes to get an answer from INS???
Thanks alot

28-Mar-2001 05:11 PM
 Re: who filed for reinstatement to INS?
I filed for reinstatement over a month ago. I have not gotten any answer yet. My advisor told me that sometimes it takes INS months to answer, so do not worry and be patient.

29-Mar-2001 03:19 PM
 Re: who filed for reinstatement to INS?
Thanks for reply Ana.
what is your situation for filing to INS for reinstatement?
mine is not good, i was not attending school for one semester due to the financial problems and during this time i was in USA.


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