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10-May-2002 09:41 AM
  dental insurance
I have health insurance but it doesnt cover dental. anyone know a good website or insurance company , i need to be covered for dental
i appreciate any tip
thanks !

13-Jun-2002 03:59 AM
 Re: dental insurance
Looking for a dental insurance, please help! Where can I get one?

04-Aug-2002 05:49 PM
 Re: dental insurance
I am a Dental Student at BU and I can tell u where u can get your treatment done for free or maybe a very very minimal charge.
U can just go to a community health center and they will see u, they dont care what nationality u are. no questions asked.
I can give u addresses of the places in boston but am sure there will be other places in other cities too!
just go to any city hospital and ask about their dental wing and free healthcare.

05-Aug-2002 09:59 PM
 Re: dental insurance
I am a Vet. student and will be happy to help you with extrating your teeth free of charge , I just need to accumulate experince fro my practice.

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