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04-Nov-2001 10:04 PM
  What is going on?
Hi is it true . Are they blocking all student visas for six months?
Or is that a rumor? Some guys I know went to get their driver licences and they were made valid for the duration of their I94!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can we do I am out of status and want to get into a school. How can I get a social security card?


06-Nov-2001 12:46 AM
 Re: What is going on?
There will be no blanket ban on F-1 visas but today
Sen. Dianne Feinstein sponsered a bill in the
senate that will be more restrictive for students.
First, she is seeking the implementation of the
SEVIS tracking system. She is also trying to make
schools responsible for the status of their
students. Finally, she proposed a comprehensive
ban on students coming from countries the US
State Dept. lists as sponsoring terrorism. Among
these countries are Libya, Cuba, Iran, Iraq and

Keep in mind that a bill before congress is a long
way from being a law. Some or all of this bill could
change by the time it get's through congress. It
may not even make it through congress. Time will

As far as going to school after being out of status,
you need to be accepted to a new school and apply
for reinstatement from the INS. It will be hard to get
a social security card without a letter from your
school stating that you're not a full time student
who's eligible for practical training so try to get
back into school.

Good luck.

06-Nov-2001 04:17 PM
 Re: What is going on?
That's interesting about driving licenses. Which state are you in?

09-Nov-2001 09:03 PM
 Re: What is going on?
Yeah it sucks about the Driver licences, but is true, I am in Florida. My state id says resident so apparently I am fine but majority of the others are asked for their passport, when the State id says no about being resident.

Right now I believe that all aliens should really just keep a low profile ,because if you consider that 99% of us have good intentions about being in the US.But right now it is the responsibility of the people in power to be tough on someone why not target aliens especially illegals. So my idea is to relax and let time work the wounds inflicted on this place, because we know and so do those who lead this country...immigrants legal or not are essential to this country remaining on its feet.

thank you

10-Nov-2001 03:56 AM
 Re: What is going on?
You know, you may lough at me, but I was considering writing a letter to the Congress. They had this discussion on foreign students and INS made a presentation. I read it and realized Americans don't know anything about the real situation with immigration. They trust INS because they are the "experts". I thought maybe if we write directly to the government they will notice that there's something wrong with their policies...

I don't know, maybe I'm too idealistic. I think that immigration through education is the best kind of immigration America has. I don't think they give it any thought.

10-Nov-2001 03:53 PM
 Re: What is going on?
Yes I have had a lot of determination to do something similar ,and/or to write letters to papers such as usa today. I think many people do that and once it reaches congress , then they probably throw the letters in the trash can? But it sure is worth trying.

One thing that I have felt very strong about, is to form a group which consists of non-citizens, and citizens, but which can stand as a voice for Internationals in this country, whether they be illegal or not. Something in the line of an unofficial 'union' ,but which can be recognized by congress; INS and the UN , to represent all Internationals here.And my theory is that if you have enough backing by a large number of foreigners here, be it numbers of people...donations and/or membership fees then it can work. Naturally I know little about International and American Law but , it might help if there was some or other sort of group which could help each other out , say a member gets into legal trouble and needs a lawyer? what about discriminations etc. etc. etc.

I laughed the other night when some guy on this one show was going on about how illegal aliens drain the American taxes... that is so silly considering that illegals have it harder than anyone else to make a living here. They always stay second grade citizens but hold on to the hope of a better life which this country holds. And I respect that and I can understand how hard it may be , I may be next? It sure must be hell for many years wondering whether today is the day you get caught!

So yeah I hope we can all work together, there is this one site which has some or other punch with congress, but I think only for the H1-B visa but check it out.


15-Nov-2001 08:29 PM
 Re: What is going on?
Just my two cents here, the three and ten year bar has made many people overstayed in the USA. The intention for this bar activated in 1996 was to make people more careful about their status though. It did not work that way.

17-Nov-2001 12:37 AM
 Re: What is going on?
What I was thinking recently is that actually the result of SEVIS program for "tracking" foreign students is going to be a mass-production of illegal immigrants. If you're "out of status" - you are automatically illegal. There's no second chance of reentering the country with a new I-20 or just finishing your studies and leaving.

Now, INS is going to be split in two parts. One of them will be responsible for catching illegal immigrants in the US and deporting them. Looks like the necessary billions of dollars will be in place. What that means as far as foreign students are concerned is that once you are out of status (and hence illegal) you will also be forced to drop out of school in order not to get caught by this new agency.

As a result America will have much more uneducated illegal aliens. Just what they need right now.

What do you say?

Oh, and hibernia78, I got this email recently (before 9/11 though) stating that in some states you can get a SSN by telling them you need it to get a a drivig license and showing a student visa. They didn't mention wich state it's in. Maybe someone knows.

And hell ,as far as the driving licenses are concerned - you go to a different state and exchange your driving license for a new one from that state. Big deal. And what if your I-94 is for duration of status? You can drive your car as long as your I-20 is valid or what?

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 11-17-2001 01:35 ]

17-Nov-2001 01:15 AM
 Re: What is going on?
Serge you know what? I spoke with an immigration lawyer this afternoon about something and eventually after learning nothing new the guy asked me ( as a joke) if I wanted a job since I knew quite a bit. And my sentiments are that most of us foreigners here know more about immigration than most americans and believe me they really would like to keep us down and low doing all their menial jobs ,while their kids become professionals and scientists.

Mind my asking are you from Eastern Europe or Israel?
I have a learners permit, so I am relatively safe because the date of expiry is 2006. Does it matter if i am indicated as Resident on my state id? just curious.

It is not easy firstly to obtain a student visa, and secondly ,to come up with the finances but there are ways to go about with these. And I still do not think the INS will gain much with their changes, where they block certain things ,other doors will open because it is human nature at its strongest when forced into a corner, and I admire people who want to live here under not very easy circumstances.

Basically now is just a wait and see what happens pose which should be taken, but it is worth taking caution.

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