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12-Aug-2002 06:28 PM
I am not a student but trying to help a firend who is from China. He has his F1 visa. He is hopeing that there is a way to legally stay in the US after he graduates. As it stands he has 30 days to find employment in the field that he has studied. He does not want to return to China, but wants to stay in America and apply to become a citizen. We can find no answeres as to what can be done. How would he get permission to stay here after he graduates and his F1 student visa expires. I found this message board by accident and most like will not find my way back. I have set an email account just incase anyone had any advice Thankyou in Advance Rose

13-Aug-2002 04:22 PM
 Re: visas
Ok Karaokerose here is his options:

1. if he is eligble, he should apply for OPT which would allow him to remain in the country for a year and some change. He could use the entire time on OPT to look for a job; however he should not leave the country until he has secured one. If he's lucky, the company will apply for an H1b for him.

2. Apply for a new program of study. If he's interested in pursueing a different major this an option.

The folowing are more permanent:
3. The green card lottery. Don't know much about it but there should be resources on the web. This can lead to citizenship.

4. Marry an american citizen. This would make him eligible for residencey and eventually citizenship as well.

14-Aug-2002 12:01 PM
 Re: visas
can help
I might be able to give some advise, but before that I need to know what was the Major of your friends degree?and why cant he find a job in that major???Seems kind of unlikely ..maybe your friend is not looking in the right places and is not motivated enough...

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