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29-Apr-2001 01:19 AM
  Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!
Hi, everybody!

I am from Belarus and I am trying to transfer to an Am. University (actually, I am applying to a couple of them). I am in the States now, on a year academic leave from school. Back at home, I have finished 3 years at a Linguistic University. I want to continue studying in my major, but in the USA. I've already been through an anormous amount of paperwork with all the applications, transcripts, etc. , but still there are a lot of things I am confused about. And the main thing - the University Transcript. The systems are so different, we have nothing even similar to what they call "school catalogue"...
I have never heard of anybody who has transferred from abroad to an Am. school,though I am sure there are people who did it.
Please, if you are one of them, or know someone who you think could assist me in it..PLEASE, GUYS, I URGENTLY NEED SOMEONE'S HELP!
I would really appreciate if you could give give me a hint on what I should do with my transcripts, and generally, if you could share with me any info you have about it.

Thanks a lot in advance!


29-Apr-2001 08:01 PM
 Re: Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!
Unfortunately you will have to go through this. You'll have to get the transcripts from your school in Bielarus, translate them into English and notorize, then you may have to evaluate them through a credit evaluation agency. The exact procedure depends on the school.

I know in CUNY they require your transcripts either sent directly from your schol to CUNY or you can bring them to CUNY in a sealed envelope with a logo and a stamp from your school. All this to avoid forgery, they don't accept notorized copies. SUNY may be less strict. I had to ask my parents to get the transcripts from my school in Russia and send them over to NY, cause my university wouldn't send them directly to CUNY.

Transcript is called "vypiska is zachetno-akademicheskoy vedomosty" in Russian or something close to that. Basically it's a list of all your courses and grades for them.

It is a lot of paperwork and you may have to pay for translation and cedit evaluation. Plus, you won't get credit for all of your courses. Eventually transferring credits will save you some money.

Good luck, what can I say.

29-Apr-2001 08:50 PM
 Re: Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!
Thank you soo much for your reply.
I just have a question: What is the Credit Evaluation Agency? Is it an American Institution and .. what is it generally? How does it work? If it is in the States (which is what it sounds like), then where do I go and what do I need to " have all my credits evaluated"?

Thank you again.

29-Apr-2001 09:39 PM
 Re: Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!

Here's a list of them. These are commercial companies that evaluate your education. The result of the evaluation may be used by schools, INS, emploers etc. Some schools may not require credit evaluations by outside companies, consult your student advisor. Like I said each school has it's own rules.

I kind of assumed you are already in the USA. I'm not sure if you would have to send your transcript to the US for the evaluation if you apply from abroad or there is another way.

This is from a newsgroup misc.immigration.usa:



Persons who have completed secondary and postsecondary education in other
countries, and who wish to obtain recognition of that education to use
towards the requirements of a degree in the United States may apply to
one of the following private organizations for an evaluation of their
educational credentials. The evaluation report will state the U.S.
equivalent of those credentials which an American university or college
can use as equivalent of documents issued by U.S. institutions.

Fees range from $60 to $150 per applicant depending upon the nature of
the evaluation report requested. It takes approximately one month to
obtain an evaluation report after the agency has received all necessary
information. Most evaluation offer rush service (within ten days) for an additional fee.

Students should check first to determine whether the college or
university will accept the recommendations of these private evaluation
associations as some schools perform their own evaluations.

########################end quote###################

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 4-29-2001 21:34 ]

29-Apr-2001 09:41 PM
 Re: Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!
You can check "United States Network for Education Information" site

28-May-2001 01:42 PM
 Re: Please, if you know anything about transferring to an American University from abroad, HELP!
There are some organizations that might assist you with your transfer procedures. As long as you can provide an official transcript, you can get it translated and evaluated. That's not a problem. However, your grades and your English level must meet some certain requirements. E-mail me at if you like.

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