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21-Oct-2001 10:02 PM
  help- illegal,OPT,marriage
i have been working different jobs while going to
school with F-1...for a year. use my ss # and have been
paying taxes. how is this going to be a problem when
apply for OPT and eventually get a workvisa? also, i am
in love with someone(american) and am hoping to get
married in a few years...and eventually have a legal,
normal citizen life. have i made all these too
difficult to happen? will the record be gone if i left
the US and come back, get a new ss #?? or do i need a
good l

26-Oct-2001 10:19 PM
 Re: help- illegal,OPT,marriage
Just my opinion here.

I think you'll be able to get OPT without problems. Getting a working visa could be problematic, but when you apply for it you will have to use a lawyer anyway so follow his advice. I wouldn't expect that they won't let you get a marriage based green card just because you worked illegally at some point. Paying taxes is a plus in your situation.

I would skip the working visa part and go directly for a marriage green card. But consult a lawyer first.

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