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12-Jul-2000 09:56 PM
  What do i do??
I am an Indian. I came to the States With a B-2 visa
which was for six months. But i ended up staying longer than needed(2yrs now). I do have a job but, a fake SSN/Greencard. What do i do to get the real papers??? I need some insight.

20-Jul-2000 04:47 PM
 Re: What do i do??
cassey, i need fake ones too so please let me know where to get them....about the real ones, ime not sure but the word out is that you can after 5 years get some form of legalization from the the mean time just chill and enjoy,at least you can work many others cant.....

21-Jul-2000 09:15 PM
 Re: What do i do??
a guy
cassey... what i think you should do is if you have a family person that is a u.s citizen... go to ins and fill in a form that could give you a green card and then you could stay... i dont know the form name or any type of way... im sorry if you don't have a family person that is a u.s. citizen because then i dont know how

to the other person of getting fake green cards and SSN you can get that in the streets... i dont know where you lived so i dont know where... just tell a person that is illegal in your city and that is working with a illegal green card and SSN and he will hook you up

29-Jul-2000 06:35 PM
 Re: What do i do??
Cassie you can get a green card, just go to the ins website and theres a section where they post the questions and answers. You can downlaod applications and forms.

07-Aug-2000 06:10 PM
 Re: What do i do??

It seems that you have quite a bit of trouble on your hands. Of immediate concern is that you are currently illegally present in the U.S. In fact, if you have stayed more than 1 year beyond the original date of departure listed on your B-2 Arrival/Departure Record (I-94 card), you will be banned from re-entry to the U.S. for ten (10) years if you ever leave or if you are ever deported. This is part of the 1996 immigration law that was passed, The Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 [INA 212(a)(9)(B)]. In addition, any visa that is in your passport is considered void and in the future all visas must be obtained in your country of citizenship or country of last permanent residence [INA 222(g)]. So, once you leave the U.S., or once INS finds you, you are going to face some very serious consequences. What further compounds this situation is the fact that you are currently working with fake documents. This is an extremely serious violation of U.S. law and may get you deported with no return for life. In terms of finding a solution or quick fix, there really is none (at least not that is legal). And the more illegal activity you engage in and the more fake documents you get, the bigger hole you are digging for yourself. You may be okay now and you may be for some time into the future, but eventually I can guarantee it will all catch up to you in a very painful way. Don't believe people who tell you that if you just manage to stay here for a certain period of time without getting caught, the U.S. government will just "forgive" you and let you stay and make everything okay. That is all myth! The bottom line for you is that you need to own up to your illegal activity and start doing the right thing. Consult a qualified immigration attorney before taking any action. But, for your own sake, stop and desist immediately from any further illegal activity. It certainly does not speak well of your character and it begs the question, "Why would the U.S. people and/or government want/need someone like you to stay here who has no respect for the rule of law ." Its time to get your act together and do the right thing. Stop looking for loop holes and an easy way out. Do the right thing!

08-Aug-2000 10:31 AM
 Re: What do i do??
Sometimes I question "doing the right thing". My friend came here on a B2 visa, took the required tests to be admitted to a college, had every paper that was required. He was advised (by the school consuler) to return to Mexico City to apply in person for his F1 (see separate post); but friends going to the university on a B2 or otherwise told him (actually begged him) not to go. They told him to apply from the United States. I told him to "do the right thing" and return to Mexico City to go through the "correct" process. Now he has been denied his F1 twice and they have taken his B2. Yes he has family in Mexico and yes he does plan on returning to get a better job that speaking fluent English would offer. Yet, it is just about impossible to display to the consulate that you are going to return. I've received absolutely no advise on my post on suggestions for "doing the right thing".....yet I see your two posts of condemnation. Can you understand why, in looking back, that staying here on a B2 or fake papers looks pretty good compared to "doing the right thing".

08-Aug-2000 01:57 PM
 Re: What do i do??
There is nothing worse than self-righteous indignation for others as if we live in a vacuum. The fact is that there are many illegal aliens working in the United States. Some of whom the INS turns a blind eye towards because of the necessity of their labor. Migrant agricultural workers are a perfect example of this. America does need illegal workers in the United States to perform duties that most Americans do not have the stomach for. Most Americans are unaware of this but they would notice if the entire "under the table" economy was dismantled.

In the real world we do not judge a person's character or morality solely on his immigration status. We do not know the extenuating circumstances surrounding this persons decision to remain in the country and it is simple minded to believe that following the letter of the law provides the right solutions to all problems and is always "doing the right thing." This person should get into contact with an immigration lawyer, if for no other reason than to find out what legal actions he can take. A lawyer, however will not provide assistance in salvaging a person's character. Pontificating on the virtues of the American rule of law does not assist this person and any real or meaningful way.

10-Aug-2000 01:06 AM
 Re: What do i do??
Does America need migrant web designers?

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