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01-Feb-2002 12:15 AM
  Money transfer problems
Money transfer probl
I am an international transfer student on F1.I am experiencing problems with transfer of funds from my country to my bank way is that I will have to go back to my country and get the money back on my person.But if I do that, I will spoil my studies here and my semester.This is my first semester here, and till now I have not paid my tuition fee as funds have not been cleared to be transfered here.
My question is, ...if I go back to my country now to get the funds on my person, and get enrolled in Fall semester, will there be any problems with the INS ?i have been in States only past 10 days, and though going back now to get the money seems stupid, but the reason i could not get it in the first place is coz I came in here through a 3 rd country(where I was studying on a full scholarship before coming here), and the present scholarship for first semester studies here, is coming from my country.

08-Feb-2002 06:34 AM
 Re: Money transfer problems
You might want to ask whoever sourcing the funds to use a more traditional way. Ask him/her to make a money order in your name, or buy some traveller cheques, and then mail them to you. Ship it overnight if it is very urgent. Don't forget to certify the mail to ensure it will get into your hand, although those methods are considerably safe.

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