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02-Sep-2001 09:52 AM
  Can i get married and get in status?
Will Worthington
Hi! I am not going to school this semester, because I am not financially well off. My girlfriend is american and is ready to get married to me. Will mine not going to school this semester affect my prospects of getting a green card? Should I go to canada and come back to america on a fiancee` visa? I am from New Zealand, and back home, it doesn't affect you if you get married to someone when you are a foreigner, you are allowed to stay and work in the country indefinately. How does it work out here? I appreciate your response to my last query. toodles!

04-Sep-2001 06:10 PM
 Re: Can i get married and get in status?
Yes, you can legalize your status by getting married to an American citizen. If you are sure that you like to get married, my suggestion is to do it ASAP before you accumulate any un-lawful presence in the USA. That way, paper works with INS will be much easier. By unlawful presence I mean staying in the USA without enroliing to school.

You can also re-direct your question to as your matter is more related to immigration.

10-Sep-2001 12:48 PM
 Re: Can i get married and get in status?
Will Worthington
Hi! Its me again, with another of this bleedin queries. Well, now that I have decided to get married and am out of status, because I am not enrolled in school, can I go to Canada and come back into the country with a new I-20 and go to school and also get married? My visa has 5 years on it, i.e; its valid till 2005 and is D/S visa, which means I could go to school for as long as I want in the United States, so can I go to Canada or Mexico and come back to this country on the same visa, but a different I-20? I really appreciate your response to my previous query. Thank you for your interest!!

10-Sep-2001 08:37 PM
 Re: Can i get married and get in status?
As far as I know, if you have a visa, you have a chance with a new I-20 form, but don't count on what I say. You can talk to your school's international student advisor. Hopefully someone else in this forum knows more about this and will answer.

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