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27-Jun-2001 11:34 AM
  Can I get in-state tuition?Plzzz help
I'm an international student who plans to attend a public university in MD.I was wondering whether I can get in-state tuition since the one who is sponsoring me(my uncle ) is a US citizen.According to the policies of the Uni,your guardian needs to be US citizen to get in-state tuition.What do they mean by guardian?? I mean a person who is usually< 18 has a guardian.How in the world can my uncle become my guardian since I'm a 19 years old girl? Has it ever happened that an int'l student gets in-state(not considering the occasional mistakes done by the administration in giving in-state status to an int'l student) If an int'l paid the in-state tuition,plz post n tell about the procedures u went through.Thanks

27-Jun-2001 06:40 PM
 Re: Can I get in-state tuition?Plzzz help
hi, i dont think for applying for a in state tution
ur guardian be a citizen. it totally depends on the
school department you are in . How much fund university have for scholarships .you better talk to Student advising center , for international students.That's the person who can answer your all questions .

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