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30-Oct-2001 07:20 PM
  Immigration Attorney's Fee
Does any one have an idea what is the reasonable fee (normally charged by Immigration Attorneys)to pay for assistance / handling a case of changing status from B2 Visitor to F1 Student.
Do they have a policy of refunding the fee if the case does not result in success?

Wana Study

[ This message was edited by: wanastudy on: 10-30-2001 20:15 ]

01-Nov-2001 09:25 PM
 Re: Immigration Attorney's Fee
B-2 to F-1 isn't usually handled by lawyers. When I
was changing mine I've called several lawyers and
they were like, Why do you need us for that? Sure
they could do it for you and I would expect the
low-end fee to be around $100 and up to $400, but
there isn't much they can do.

In my case the school handled the change of
status very efficiently. A friend of mine wasn't able
to get his change of status approved because he
used a cash machine receipt instead of a proper
bank statement.

Most lawyers don't refund their fees, I think.

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