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21-Jan-2001 07:26 PM
  J-1 to F-1 help
My girlfriend was hear from South Africa as an AuPair on a J-1 visa, the agecy she was hear with also required that she do one semester of college, she did, and completed the semester with excellent grades. Her visa was up this past September, and she went home, she want's to come back on a F-1 visa and attend the same college that she is still currentlly enrolled in. The embassy told her she can not return to America for one year, why is this? and is there a way around this? She has all the proper sponsorships and other documents ready to go. Please help!! Thank you.

22-Jan-2001 12:55 AM
 Re: J-1 to F-1 help
I too had J-1 and went home and was able to change it to F-1. I remember when I got J-1 they put a sticker on my passport: "The bearer of this passport is subject to..." I just tore it off and went to the Embassy and got my F-1. Eventually I found out that it was a mark by which embassy people could find out that I am subject to J-1's 2-year home country residence requirement.

I think in your case they pretty much closed the door on her coming back to the US. The best she can do is to go to canada. If she wants to settle in North America, then trust me this is very good advice. Even if she does manage to get F-1 then what's the point if she can't get H-1?? This is why I suggest that she go to canada.

07-Feb-2001 03:40 PM
 Re: J-1 to F-1 help
It is possible to get a waiver for this requirement.


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