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27-Aug-2000 02:14 PM
  Web design courses

I'm looking for intitutions which offer degrees in multimedia & web design, or similar courses. I hope to work in web design after I graduate. How difficult would it be to study in the USA, then get whatever visa/greencard I need to take up employment in the USA. How much bias is put against international students when applying for admission, and scholarships? I had straight A grades in all 10 of my GCSE's which were taken in summer 99, if I can show that I am probably going to get the same with my 3 A-Levels, will I be more eligable for a scholarship/admission? When asked, should I be forward with the fact that I want to use the F-1 visa as a stepping stone to permanent resident status?

Chris Williams
(United Kingdom)

29-Aug-2000 08:53 PM
 Re: Web design courses
F-1 is a non-immigrant visa catagory. Never talk about your aspirations for permanent residency while you're applying for an F-1 visa, or while you're on it. Wait until you've finished school, done your year of Optional Practical Training work experience, and changed status to H-1B (which is for either immigrants or non-immigrant workers).

29-Aug-2000 09:06 PM
 Re: Web design courses
Thanks for the advice :-)


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