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04-Oct-2001 12:57 PM
  What can I do now????
Hello my girlfriend was here on a visitors visa, her status expired before she could change it ,two weeks I am very feaked out and I no I have valid reason to be but what can we do ?

Does anyone have any idea what can be done once your status has expired? Can we o to the INS and say she lost it? PLease help me.

04-Oct-2001 06:03 PM
 Re: What can I do now????
She "overstayed" her B-2 visa. It's worse than losing status. From now on if she overstays her visa for more than 6 months she's going to be denied reentry to the US for 5 years (10 years if she overstays for a year). At least that's what I remember - check the INS website on this.

If she comes from a country where it's relatively easy to get a US visa she shouldn't panic. She can leave the US now and apply for a student visa from abroad. Or her tourist visa may be "multiple entry" so she can reenter as a tourist. I'm not sure if INS and Consulates are tough on people who overstay their visas for just couple of weeks. I'm sure she can't change her status to F-1 inside the US though.

If she's from somewhere in the third world I guess she has to keep staying illegally and hope for the amnesty.

Try getting more professional advice than mine.

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