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08-Aug-2002 11:55 AM
  disaster struck....PLease help
disaster struck
I am presently in an Undergrad degree in Music-Piano Perf in visiting home right now.I have completed one semester and registered for the second coming fall.
I have a previous Undergrad Degree in Psychology from my Home country, but I only wanted to study Piano furthur in US so got admitted in the Undergrad Piano Perf course.
3 weeks ago I met with an accident and lost a finger, have freshly got out of the Hospital without a finger.
My Piano Performance career is finished.I am minus one finger to proove it....and a docs letter from my home country where I am right now.
I want to do a Masters in Psychology in the same college that I am enrolled, but I guess I am late applying for the fall semester.....I am considering going back and talking to the professors in Psychology deptt about accepting me....
What should I do?
Please help.

10-Aug-2002 05:08 PM
 Re: disaster struck....PLease help
Really sorry to hear about this. It is good that you want to go for higher studies.

I am not sure if you can finish all the procedures before the Fall semester starts. As you have mentioned, talk to people from your old/new department. I think it is also helpful to let the international student office know about your accident and your intention to change the major (so that you can join after one semester without any sweat).

Good luck.

12-Aug-2002 06:16 PM
 Re: disaster struck....PLease help
I am sorry for your accident but disaster only strikes when you give up. There is no reason for you not to follow your original dream. You do not need all your fingers. You only need to to make some changes as to how you use what you have. I know a fine polished accomplished pianist and he only has 8 fingers and performs with a wonderfull symphany. You can too. So don't walk away and give up. Good luck to you.

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