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02-Jan-2002 06:08 AM
  Help Im an Arab with no hope!!!!
I am a student from Bahrain out of status and with exp. visa and also engaged to get married. How can I get back my status before I get married? If I go back to my country can I get another visa (student/visitor)?
If I try to leave the country will I be arrested for having an expired visa?

03-Jan-2002 12:24 AM
 Re: Help Im an Arab with no hope!!!!
Your note leaves it unclear as to what the full problem is. If your visa is expired, that's not a problem, as it only gets you into the country. If your I-94 or I-20 is expired, or you're in F-1 status and haven't been in school for a while (or have worked illegally, or haven't been full-time), than that may be a problem.

No one will arrest you for having an expired visa, though it's generally not a good time to otherwise be out-of-status. Do you have an int'l. student advisor that can give you some advice or access your situation somewhat better?

04-Jan-2002 06:19 AM
 Re: Help Im an Arab with no hope!!!!
Frank...thank you for replying...I am an F1 student that has been out of status for 6 monthes and my visa has been expired since Sept. I am going back to my country (Bahrain) in March and wonder if it is going to be a problem getting a visa from the consulate there. I am trying for a visitor or an I20 to come back and marry then become resident. How should I go about it?

04-Jan-2002 07:52 PM
 Re: Help Im an Arab with no hope!!!!
Bahrain may be a hard place to get a visa at the moment, but your being out of status now may have nothing to do with it. If you're out-of-status for having not enrolled (basically being an overstay), then INS probably doesn't have a record of it right now. (In a year U.S. schools will be adopting an electronic data-base & tracking system that'll help INS to better focus on who is out-of-status.)

Anyway, unless you were out-of-status and INS had made some judgment about your case (by denying you a reinstatement to F-1 status), then you shouldn't have any special problems in applying for another visa. I wouldn't walk up to the consular official and volunteer the notion that I was out-of-status the last time I was here. Otherwise you should stand as much chance as the next person.

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