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17-Jul-2001 12:56 PM
  getting an F-1 at Juarez
I have a Russian friend who is on a B-2 tourist visa. He needs to go to Juarez, Mexico for his appointment at the U.S. consulate to apply for an F-1 visa. He could use any helpful tips that you have to offer, but specifically wants to know if he'll have a choice in applying for an F-1 visa that will be valid for either one, two, three, four, or five years (and whether the F-1 visa costs more for subsequently longer periods of validity.)

'Appreciate any help you'd be willing to offer. Thanks very much!

17-Jul-2001 05:07 PM
 Re: getting an F-1 at Juarez
Hi there, post your message under the immigration section of, the lawyers are good and willing to give advice. best of luck

23-Jul-2001 06:25 PM
 Re: getting an F-1 at Juarez
I'm not a lawyer, obviously, but I think your friend
would be better off changing his status to F-1
without leaving the US rather than applying for a
visa at a border post.
After he changes his status he can try and get a
visa if he feels he really needs one.

I think they usually give you a visa that covers the
stated length of the program. Someone told me it
can be either 2 or 5 years. If your program is more
than 2 years they are likely to give it for 5.

Why did he decide to go to Juarez?

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 7-23-2001 18:22 ]

26-Jul-2001 11:32 AM
 Re: getting an F-1 at Juarez
Yes, he's planning to take a bus to El Paso within a few days. He has an assistantship offer, so he needs to change status as soon as possible in order to accept it. The change of visa classification application is currently taking INS about 9 months, so that's really not an option for him.

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