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29-Jul-2002 06:00 PM
  Identity theft
under theft
Hi, I received my Social security card from SSO. I am foreign student and I have no right to work off campus. My SS card has typed that "Valid for work only with INS authorization".

When the mail came from SSO, my ex-friend opened it. After few days he gave it to me. Therefore, he knows my card number. I think he will use my card number in order to get job. (Maybe, he will give this number to his another illegal guy) If he use it, I will be illegal automatically. What can I do? Help!

01-Aug-2002 09:36 PM
 Re: Identity theft
Take a deep breath and relax as this probably is not as bad as you might think. Speak to your FSA/DSO at your school and tell them everything and I mean everything. Unfortunately, most Foreign students believe that most FSA's are their enemies but they really are not ( I stress the word most here as there are a few who are completely incompetent, don't know the regs, don't care about you or their jobs, or simply get a kick out of ruining other people's lives). Most will be understanding and give you advice as to what you should do.

My only suggestion is to contact the SSO as well and tell them your situation.

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