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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Help Community Post new topic
30-Oct-2000 12:27 PM
I have received my I-20 and I have also got 660 in my TOEFL.
I applied for the American Visa Lottery twice during the last two years. A a question in the OF-156 form asks if I have ever applied for the visa lottery. Shall I answer it yes or no??. Wouldn't answering YES decrease my chances of getting the F1 visa

Please Advice me what to do
thank you

30-Oct-2000 02:29 PM
 Re: HELP REQUIRED!!!!!!!!
Yes, it would establish immigrant intent and thus decrease your chances, BUT:

There is no such question on the form. The question asks whether you or anyone on your behalf have applied for immigrant or nonimmigrant visa before, the answer is NO.

Fortunately, the law says that participation in GC lottery is not the same as applying for a visa. If you do WIN in the lottery, you will have to decide whether to apply for a DV visa based on your success in the draw. It is at that point that you would be applying for an immigrant visa, establishing immigrant intent, and be practically ineligible to receive an F-1 visa.

Sincerely, Babak

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