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01-Jan-2001 05:09 AM
  Will it be hard/easy for me to get a H1-B visa?
I am currently attending my first year at an art university. Eventually I'll earn a Bachellor in fine arts(BFA) with major in Computer Arts-3D Animation. I do know of international students who got 3D animation jobs at major studios, but not sure if with H1-B visa. This whole education is costing me and my family a lot and it would be a pitty if I had to return to my country after graduation, we don't even have a game/film industry that needs 3D animators/modelers.
Also I read on this site that it's impossible to get a green card(after H1-B) if you're not in a IT(programming I suppose?) job. Could someone give me a few thoughts about all this please.

04-Jan-2001 09:07 PM
 Re: Will it be hard/easy for me to get a H1-B visa?
If you are able to get a job at a major studio during
your OPT the studio will probably sponsor you for
an H-1 without any problems. They will even pay
the lawyers.

If you find a job at a small company usually you'll
have to find and pay lawyers yourself.

Your OPT and your H-1 job have to be somehow
related to your field of study, it doesn't have to be IT.
Could be anything, really. I've heard there's also
some kind of an "artist" visa - you need some
awards or works printed in major publications to
prove you're an artist. Maybe someone knows
more details on this...

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