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30-Oct-2001 11:09 PM
  Resident Tuition?
Hi All:

Somewhere down the list of messages I read that public schools in the US charge resident tuition to undocumented aliens. Wouldn't it then be possible to pose as an illegal alien while on the F-1 visa?

And I heard that there are legal ways to obtain resident tuition for international students. How might that be?

Thanks for any answers.

01-Nov-2001 09:11 PM
 Re: Resident Tuition?
I have a very limited information on the subject.

It is possible at least in some states (I know of NJ)
to legally get a resident tuition. You would have to
get an American sponsor who would write an
affidavit of support. He also have to prove his
residency, apparently he has to be a citizen for at
least 10 years.

I must admit I haven't met anyone in New York who
got resident tuition. Schools usually require an
expired I-94 as a proof of being an illegal alien. I
don't see how you could do it if your I-94 is for
"duration of status". I've heard of students who
managed to trick the system (admissions and
international students are different offices after all)
but I don't know how it's done.

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