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20-Jul-2000 04:26 PM
  cheapest colleges
i have already completed 2 years of college and want to complete my other 2 years. i dont have that much money, where can i find a 4 year college or university that i can attend..range around $2,000 per year.....location new york,philadelphia,where i live,florida ,puerto rico or surrounding areas i just want to finish college thats all...

21-Jul-2000 01:49 AM
 Re: cheapest colleges
Do you mind if we ask where you pay $2000 a year? Sounds like the best deal in the country (Community college, right?). Usually you have to be a state resident for this, how did you do it?

We'll try to find something for you, but we couldn't so far.

22-Jul-2000 01:39 AM
 Re: cheapest colleges
Looks like University of Puerto Rico is the cheapest-ass college you can find. There are many colleges that are part of this university. Their website sucks, though.
But tuitions are like 2.500 for out of state students.

There's university of west Florida, but it's ): $2,214 instate, 4.300 out of state.

Try this site where you can search by tuition ( Leave all other selections on "don't care"). Sorry we couldn't do any better.

18-Jul-2005 05:46 AM
 Re: cheapest colleges
Community member
Location: India
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here's a link that may be of help
Did u check this website

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