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This is online community of international students studying in the USA.
The site where students help students to survive and thrive during their stay in America.
International Students Online

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20-Jul-2000 04:32 PM
  each one teach one
hey its me again. i want to help you guys help others like us who come to the US to study..for the two years i have been in college many of my friends drop out because of lack of info. so let me know how to become a part of your team...

24-Jul-2000 03:43 AM
 Re: each one teach one
Thanks for your interest in our site. We really appreciate this.

See, our site is a student web design project, we are not a company. We don't get paid for this (although we try to find a way).

It would really help if you check this board from time to time and answer some questions. We are continuing education students, so we know very little about colleges. Also we are interested in getting info on how to apply from specific countries, since the rules are different in different places.

We would publish on our site any tips that can help other students. If you know something - email us and tell us if you want your real name or nickname appear with the information.

In the future we would like to create a searchable database where everybody could contribute their artices. Right now we don't know how to do it.

Thanks again.

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